Updated March 8, 2024
⇒ For users in Canada, please see ENDECs in Canada
Updates for the Sage Digital ENDEC for users in the United
We will email you when a software update is available for the Sage
Digital ENDEC in the United States.
The current software release is Rev96, released February 6, 2024. See our news page for an overview.
Additional information:
If you've
already purchased the release: Download Page
If you haven't heard of the release: Q&A
For details, including now to install: Release Notes
Your ENDEC must already have Rev95 with CR_Rev6 before you can install
Previous software (description updated August 10, 2022, software released July 2, 2021)
The previous version of the ENDEC software is Rev95 (95-00) with P4 and CR_Rev6. This had been the latest release in July, 2021. You can check your version by logging into your ENDEC and clicking the Version button. You will see 95-00 on the board rev line, and will see at least P4 and CR-Rev6, in any order, on the line below "Base". Other tags on that line do not affect the general release firmware update level and may not be the same from one ENEDEC to the next.
If your ENDEC is reachable from the public internet, you need to have a firewall. You also need to use passwords other than the defaults - the ENDEC will warn you about this. Finally, use the ENDEC's Log page to look for unexpected restarts, settings uploads, and firmware uploads.
To purchase and install Rev95, see the Rev95 release notes. If you purchased Rev95 after July 2021, the release will also contain P4 and CR_Rev6.
To install the P4 patch, download and install the P4.x update file.
To install CR_Rev6, download and install the cr-rev6.x update file.
Download Information for CR-Rev 6 - released July 2, 2021
Please read the CR-Rev6 release notes.
Download the cr-rev6.x update file.
A signing certificate used by FEMA to validate CAP alerts will expire on Aug 21, 2021 at 21:00:00 UTC. This release contains updated certificates that you must install to permit our ENDEC to continue to receive EAS CAP alerts from FEMA after that date. This update supersedes the CR-Rev5 update from 2020. You don't need CR-Rev5 to install CR-Rev6. Do not install CR-Rev5 after installing CR-Rev6.
Update announcement from July 2, 2021
The current version is Rev95 with CR-Rev6. Use the "Version" button on the ENDEC's web page to see your version information. You want to see text that includes this:
Board rev 4/95.00 (or Board rev 5/95.00) CR-Rev6
The most recent patch is "P4". You might also see P1 or P2 or P3 on the line with CR-Rev6. The P numbers denote patches, with various improvements. These are optional, but don't affect the way the ENDEC deals with alerts. If you don't have P4 you should install it to be on the latest version.
Please read the CR-Rev6 release notes for more information. If this is the first you've heard of Rev95, read our October 2019 question and answer document and the Rev95 release notes.
If you have purchased a Rev95 update but have not downloaded it, go to the download page.
If you purchased Rev95 after December 18, 2019, you will have the latest minor updates called P4. Otherwise, you can read the P4 release notes . P4 won't conflict with CR-rev6, you can install P4 before CR-rev6 or after.
General notes on Sage ENDEC updates
- Never install an older update than the one you already have on your ENDEC. This can result in mismatches between software modules and improper operation.
- Never install an update twice. If the version has been updated, then the files have been updated.
If your ENDEC has a problem that you think can be fixed by reverting or reloading, please contact us at support@sagealertingsystems.com for assistance.
ENDECs with older softwareTo be compliant with Part 11, you must be running Rev 96. Some ENDECs have been on the shelf as spares, or aquired from an inactive station, or for some other reason are far behind in updates. Some ENDECs will have had updates mistakenly applied in the wrong order. While our release notes cover the common cases for older releases, some will need to updated with a specific set of releases in a particular order. If your ENDEC is older than 89-30, and especially if it is older than version 89, please contact contact Sage support for assistance before attempting to update.